Are you interested in Intermittent Fasting because you read somewhere that this lifestyle helps people lose weight, detoxify the body, helps strengthen the immune system, and even increases muscle mass?

... but you are not sure where or how to start or even how to implement Intermittent Fasting effectively? Perhaps you are afraid of making mistakes such as eating poorly and gaining more weight or not eating enough and weakening your body. If this is so, then ...


During your six weeks in the program, I'll provide coaching and guidance to help you optimize your body's physiological functions, increase your energy levels, maintain both physical and mental balance, and achieve your ideal weight without resorting to starvation or experiencing frustrating "hangry" moments. Proper implementation of intermittent fasting (IF) is crucial for its success; if done incorrectly, it can negatively impact your physique, hormone levels, mood, and overall health. Through my "self-study" six-week program, you'll discover strategies to manage hunger and cravings, structure your meals effectively, and select the most nourishing foods to consume during your eating windows. Most importantly, I'll assist you in finding the IF schedule that aligns best with your lifestyle and yields the most favorable results.

Eating less to live longer and healthier...

Could embracing frugality, both in diet and as a way of life, hold the key to longevity?

The risks associated with being overweight are well-documented and numerous. Individuals carrying excess weight face heightened susceptibility to various debilitating, and in some cases, fatal conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer. The pathways to these diseases can be diverse; some are directly linked to the physical strain of excess weight, while others involve intricate biochemical changes affecting hormones and metabolism.

These ailments, classified as "noncommunicable" diseases as they cannot be transmitted between individuals, can stem from a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices such as inadequate sleep, sedentary behavior, and poor dietary habits.

If you find yourself grappling with weight issues, recurrent digestive disturbances, low energy levels, or persistent cravings for unhealthy foods, you may be trapped in the cycle of fluctuating blood sugar and insulin levels.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) presents a promising avenue to reset our bodies. It offers a natural, pill-free method to cleanse, rejuvenate, rest, and heal our entire system, often yielding immediate improvements in our overall health and well-being.

In this program, we delve into the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle, emphasizing that it's not merely a restrictive diet but rather a shift in the timing of meals. We explore how IF mirrors the eating patterns of our ancestors and how this, in turn, activates the innate mechanisms of health encoded in our genes.

By offering science-backed insights and actionable strategies, this program equips you with the tools for success in weight management, increased energy levels, detoxification, hormone regulation, and overall enhancement of mental and physical well-being.

Here's a breakdown of how The Fast Way to Mastering Intermittent Fasting program operates:

The cornerstone of the program is the weekly coaching sessions, conducted entirely through audio-recorded slide presentations.

The program spans over 6 weeks, during which each week introduces a new module focusing on various aspects of healthy lifestyle habits, encompassing topics such as nutrition, gut health, and more. Additionally, you'll have access to a detailed fasting schedule, alleviating the need for you to navigate through the intricacies on your own.

I equip you with all the necessary tools and strategies to synchronize YOUR life rhythm with your fasting routine, fostering a sustainable journey towards healthy weight loss and healing. Throughout the program, I'll be there for you every step of the way, providing guidance and support, even if it's virtually.

Moreover, you'll gain access to workbooks and resources aimed at facilitating the implementation of the discussed lifestyle changes and guiding your transformation. Rest assured, every detail is meticulously taken care of!

In addition to intermittent fasting, we'll delve into other vital aspects of health and weight loss, covering topics such as:
  • natural body detoxification,
  • nurturing a healthy gut and microbiome,
  • understanding nutrition,
  • balancing blood sugar levels,
  • optimizing meal timing for sustained energy and fat burning,
  • and this is just the tip of the iceberg; there's much more in store for you!

Bonus material

  • Various PDFs to download:

    Valued at ... Priceless

    • Recipe e-books.
    • Top 10 Intermittent Fasting Tips.
    • Anti-Inflammatory Diet.
    • Guide to Gut Health - Food Checklist.
    • Vitamin D.
    • Why Your Body Cannot Do Without Fatty Acids.
    • and much more ...

Your Coach

Corinne Carthy

I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist, a Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach (IINH) and a Fasting Coach (ISUPNAT) trained in the "Buchinger" fasting method. I runs 6-day residential detox fasting retreats in Ireland, and online health & wellness coaching programs, all incorporating some form of intermittent fasting lifestyle.

I am also a trained (YA)500 hour Yoga Therapist (YTI) specialising in Yoga for people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), movement disorders and seniors, and a PWR!Moves Instructor (a PD-specific functional exercise and physical therapy programs).

My story

I first discovered "Fasting" for the first time 12 years ago when I attended a retreat in France with my sister. Back then it was unheard of in Ireland and at the time, my friends and family thought I was completely mad ... I came back refreshed, radiant, and feeling on top of the world.  It was one of the best week of my life and I decided there and then that I wanted to know more about nutrition and the body's self healing powers through fasting.  Within the following 5 years, I graduated as a Nutritional Therapist and a Fasting Coach.

Today, I still attend my 7-day water fast religiously every year, whilst practicing Intermittent Fasting (16/8, 18/6, 20/4 and OMAD) the rest of the year at home. Whether it is due to my good genes or my fasting regiment, at 61 years of age, I feel younger than in my 40’s, I carry 18 kilos less, which I struggled to shed for many years.  I  rarely go to the GP, I do not take any medications and the only part of my internal organs missing is my gallbladder, which looking back and knowing what I know now, I would not have had the need nor would I have allowed anyone to take it out.

So, ... this program kind of draws from my own experience (as well as previous clients experience), navigating many years of yoyo fad dieting protocols (way before I knew what I know now), using drastic measures, taken in desperate circumstances, through many severe calorie and nutrient deficits, where I consumed much less than I would spend in energy, thus starving myself, and where I completely cut out food groups, including fats from my diet, because I was told to be afraid of them. These diets, unfortunately, left me constantly tired, irritable and frustrated. Yet, at the time they seemed logical, and were certainly effective.  However, now that I know more about how the body works, I can tell you that those "fad" calory-restritive diets are not without negative and even dangerous consequences on our body and hormones.

For a start, these diets are far too brutal, they shock the body, remove entire categories of food (and therefore vital nutrients), often leaving us hungry, frustrated and miserable, not able to enjoy our favourite foods. But the worst part is ... those diets are not sustainable and when we stop them, we usually regain even more weight than we started with. Basically ... they don't work long-term!

Me (2nd from the right) -  training retreat to become a certified fasting coach.


  • First, what is intermittent fasting?

    Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you limit your food consumption to certain hours of the day. Some research suggests that it may have benefits beyond weight loss, like improved brain and heart health.

  • Isn't intermittent fasting just a diet like any other?

    Not only does intermittent fasting have nothing to do with a fad diet, it's not even a real diet, since it has no prescribed list of foods to avoid or eat. Known for a long time, the concept of periodic fasting is closer to a lifestyle change. Human history is replete with examples of feast-fasting cycles. The reason intermittent fasting may seem strange or seem like a passing fad is that it stands apart from common tenets of weight management.

  • Is intermittent fasting a new thing?

    Intermittent fasting (IF) is when you go for extended periods of time without eating. This is followed by a period of eating normally. Your ancestors would have eaten like this, not because of choice, but because of food availability. They would have only eaten when they could find food, either by hunting or foraging. Nowadays you no longer have to hunt for your food. So, you’re unlikely to fast unless you choose to. Intermittent fasting is a way of mimicking more traditional eating patterns.

  • How does intermittent fasting affects my body?

    When you fast, human growth hormone levels go up and insulin levels go down. Your body’s cells also change the expression of genes and initiate important cellular repair processes.

  • How feasible is it to determine a flexible eating plan with intermittent fasting?

    A diet can seem very restrictive with its rules of what to eat and what not to eat. However, food modulation is only one of the customizable aspects of intermittent fasting. Many popular alternating diet and fasting programs are offered. As each has slightly different difficulties and benefits, you can choose the one that best suits your goals, your schedule and your body.

  • Why is intermittent fasting a popular way to lose weight?

    Intermittent fasting boosts metabolism while helping you eat fewer calories. It is therefore a very effective way to lose weight and belly fat.

  • How does intermittent fasting work?

    The idea behind intermittent fasting is that it gives your body a break from digesting food. This can potentially lead you to have less calories than if you were eating more regularly. Also, eating less often can have positive effects on your blood sugar levels. Intermittent fasting also trigger a process called autophagy. This is where your body works to remove or recycle damaged cell parts from your body. Evidence shows that autophagy can reduce our risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Other benefits of IF will be discussed in more details during the first week of the program.

Online Program Testimonials

“The program gave me exactly what I was looking for: a safe and supportive space to explore fasting, learn about its benefits, and deepen the connection and awareness with my body. It gave me a new perspective on the relationship between my body and food. I have introduced one day fast a week, and will definitely aim to do one week retreat a year. Thank you Corinne for a wonderful and life-changing experience.”

ALICIA - Spain

“I highly recommend the Fast Way to Detox fasting program! Even thought I did it at home, I still felt part of a group. I am delighted with the benefits and old bad habits were replaced with new habits that I can easily carry on with!”

SHARON - Ireland

“I would highly recommend the intermittent fasting program. I am still reaping the benefits and I’ve gained a huge amount of knowledge in fasting and healthy lifestyle. ”

Joanna - Ireland


Learn how to Intermittent Fast efficiently to optimize the physiological functions of your body; gain energy, maintain homeostasis and reach your ideal weight ... all without starving or feeling hungry and frustrated!

Course Curriculum

What will be covered each week!

    1. A Message from Your Coach

    2. Intro - Short Bio of your coach

    3. What to expect week per week

    4. Download your Preparation Workbook

    5. Bonus Handouts - Tips for Success

    6. Download Your LCHF/Keto Breakfast Recipe book

    7. Download Your LCHF/Keto Lunch Recipes

    8. Download Your LCHF/Keto Side Dishes and Snacks Recipes

    9. Download Your LCHF/Keto Dinners and Desserts Recipes

    10. Download 21 Easy Yummy Recipes

    11. Download Your High Protein, Low Carb Recipe book

    1. Week 1: Detoxification 101 - Overview

    2. Download your Week 1 Workbook here

    3. So What is on your Week 1 Agenda

    4. W1 Bonus Handout - What supplements can support your detox

    5. WEEK 1 – 12/12 EATING SCHEDULE

    6. W1 - 12/12 IF Schedule Pdf

    7. Week 1: Detoxification 101 - Presentation

    8. Homework Assignment - Week 1

    9. Week 1 Quizz - Detoxification 101

    1. Week 2: The Power of Intermittent Fasting (IF) - Overview

    2. Download your Week 2 Workbook here

    3. W2 Bonus Handout - Intermittent Fasting Tips

    4. WEEK 2 - 14/10 EATING SCHEDULE

    5. W2 - 14/10 IF Schedule Pdf

    6. Homework Assignment - Week 2

    7. Week 2 Quizz - The Power of IF

    8. Week 2: The Power of Intermittent Fasting - Presentation

    1. Week 3: Nutrition 101 - Overview

    2. Download your Week 3 Workbook here

    3. Homework Assignment - Week 3

    4. W3 Bonus Handout - Anti-inflammatory diet

    5. W3 - Bonus Handout - Fatty Acids

    6. W 3 - Bonus Handout - Vitamin D

    7. W3 - Bonus Handout - Histamine Intolerance Symptoms

    8. W3 - Bonus Handout - Demystifying Food Reactions from HealthMeans

    9. W3 - Bonus Handout - Common Carbohydrates and their Impact on Blood Sugar

    10. WEEK 3 - 16/8 EATING SCHEDULE

    11. W3 - 16/8 IF Schedule Pdf

    12. Week 3 Quizz - Nutrition 101

    13. Week 3: Nutrition 101 - Presentation

    1. Week 4: Gut Health Mastery

    2. WEEK 4 - 18/6 EATING SCHEDULE

    3. W4 - 18/6 IF Schedule Pdf

    4. Homework Assignment - W4

    5. W4 - Bonus Handout - Top 12 Foods & Natural Remedies for Gut Health from Goodness Lover

    6. W4 - Bonus Handout - Quick Guide to Gut Health

    7. W4 - Bonus Handout - Microbiome Tool Kit

    8. Download your Week 4 Workbook here

    9. Week 4 - Gut Health - Blog on Probiotic Myths by Goodness Lover

    10. Week 4 Quizz - Gut Health

    11. Week 4: Gut Health Mastery - Presentation

    1. Week 5: Healthy Food Choices

    2. Download your Part 1 - Week 5 Workbook here

    3. Download your Part 2 - Week 5 Workbook here

    4. Week 5 - Bonus Handout - Metabolic Flexibility Explained

    5. Week 5 - Bonus Handout - Store Cupboard Essentials from IINH

    6. Week 5 - Bonus Handout - Food4Health Ideal Plate

    7. Week 5 - Bonus Handout - Wheat & Dairy from IINH

    8. Week 5 - Bonus Handout - Wholefood Menu Ideas from IINH


    10. W5 - OMAD (One Meal A Day) IF Schedule Pdf

    11. Homework Assignment - Week 5

    12. Week 5 - Handy Portion Control

    13. Quizz - Week 5 - Healthy Food Choices

    14. Week 5 - Healthy Food Choices - Presentation Part 1

    15. Week 5 - Healthy Food Choices - Presentation Part 2

About this course

  • €97,00
  • 77 lessons

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